
Thank you icebreaker694 for creating and nominating me for this tag!


  1. Read through the Q&A.
  2. Answer the questions posted in your own post
  3. Choose at least 3 to 5 other bloggers to participate!

So here are icebreaker694’s questions

1. What book got you started on the path of YA?

I only started reading YA last year! (I’m 21 btw guys) I wish I had got into this more when I was younger! I read a lot of true stories and NA- Adult books in my teenage years and now I’m reading YA with a bit of middle grade thrown in once in a while! I’m a bit backwards but gosh I love YA now.

2. List 3 awesome book related gifs, add your own captions.

Fan Girling like:

When your ship finally gets together!

When the Author kills a character for no necessary reason:

You don’t get to just do that! *throws book, goes on social media, picks book back up in hope it was all a rouse*

After action packed fights:

When you finish an action scene and no one dies

3. What was the latest series you finished?


The last Series I finished was Jenny Hans To all the boys I’ve loved before which is a duo-logy and FANTASTIC! You can check my review here if you like 🙂

4. What is one thing that you hate in YA? What is one thing you love?

I hate whiney, annoying female leads that HAVE to have a man to help them and indecisive MC’s.

I love it ALL!

5. Take this Buzzfeed quiz and post your results. The quiz is “Are You Able to Identify the Real YA Cover From the Fake?”

You got 10 out of 10 right!
  1. Golden Bookworm

    You’re a gold-standard bookworm! You can definitely identify your YA covers like a BOSS. Never stop getting your read on.

This was a good quiz! I never get perfect scores from buzz feed quizzes.



I nominate these guys down below!

Have Fuuuuunnnnn





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