MMM – Manic Monday Madness

Manic Monday Madness!  

What is Manic Monday Madness? Its just a bit of fun I created to get me to look forward to Mondays. TGIM !200_s



Monday madness is simply books that taste like coffee. 

Everyone has a perk of choice some have coffee,others exercise, I usually start my Mondays with waking up early and reading for an extra hour in the morning.

Monday will be my day to share with you the books that have made me get up and go, pure page turners, or feel good books that have given me some great insight or just a happy motivated feeling once I have put them down.


Today’s Book that taste like coffee is *batman theme song*

Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo


Six of Crows was a double black Mocca in the coffee world, packed full of action and characters you’ll fall in love with who are the ultimate Anti heroes.
This book is just so GOOD! It has 6 characters and switches from all of their points of view while being easy to follow
This is how you do multiple POV like a boss! Each character has a distinct voice and there wasn’t one time I forgot who was speaking or where we were in the story.

The characters were a perfect mix, all well developed and we got to see the back stories that lead them to joining together. The imagery and plot line are perfect in my eyes.

I’ve never read a book that involved a heist and was very curious to see how Leigh would weave it all together, I’m pleased to say she did a wonderful job.
The world building is set from the first sentence. I became immersed into the sights and sounds of Ketterdam city, you don’t need to know the Grisha world from Leigh previous series as this builds it up all over again. There are some cameos from the Grisha trilogy but they don’t impact the story in anyway, it’s more like they’re thrown in as a little bonus to those of us that have read Leigh previous trilogy.

Add it to your Goodreads TBR here

My Rating:

A Heist? Check

“Kaz leaned back. “What’s the easiest way to steal a man’s wallet?”
“Knife to the throat?” asked Inej.
“Gun to the back?” said Jesper.
“Poison in his cup?” suggested Nina.
“You’re all horrible,” said Matthias.”

Funny Characters? Check

“Jesper knocking his head against the hull and cast his eyes heavenward. “Fine. But if Pekka Rollins kills us all, I’m going to get Wylan’s ghost to teach my ghost how to play the flute just so that I can annoy the hell out of your ghost.”

Brekker’s lips quirked. “I’ll just hire Matthias’ ghost to kick your ghost’s ass.”

“My ghost won’t associate with your ghost,” Matthias said primly, and then wondered if the sea air was rotting his brain.”

Extremely quotable? check

“No mourners. No funerals. Among them, it passed for ‘good luck.”

A slow burning romance (that doesn’t take focus away from the plot)? Check

“I will have you without armor, Kaz Brekker. Or I will not have you at all.”

A 5 star review? check!

5/5 Stars!


Have you read Leigh Bardugo before? The Grisha series or Six of crows? I love her writing and can’t wait for Crooked Kingdom 5(ish) months to go!

Any recommendations for books that contain a heist will be greatly appreciated 🙂


Add me on my socials: Goodreads            instagram                                      Snapchat

6 thoughts on “MMM – Manic Monday Madness

    1. I absolutely love this book and basically force everyone to read it! XD
      Pick it up you won’t regret it, the concept is unlike anything else I’ve read, it has an Ocean eleven type feel to it when everything falls in place 🙂


    1. Your probably the smartest of us all! I read it as soon as it was released and had to wait a whole year for the next(still waiting) haha, you should defiantly pick this one up though The hype is real hahaha 😁


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