Villains I love to hate

Favorite villains and why I love to hate them:
Armarantha is the queen under the Mountain in Sarah J Maas A Court of Thorns and Roses series. Armarntha is your typical badie, tormenting people, curses, challenges, riddles. Yes she could have been more original or a but more crazy but I liked that she was kind of an old style badie. Simple and evil that’s all I needed.

11235712.jpgQueen Levena from The Lunar Chronicles:
Levena made it to one of my all time favorite Villains. She has a great back story and truly creepy and messed up mind. Levena is not someone I would want to mess with. The only complaint I had about her was she was a bit too powerful.

Joe from You by Caroline Kepnes:
Joes is definitely on my love side of this villains you love to hate. I mean c’mon a psychopathic, stalker/serial killer, who loves books? How could I not love Joes character? Seriously Joes one of my favorite narrators and I just loved him even though he was sick and twisted. Does that make me sick and twisted? Probably but I can live with that.

Joffrey from Game of Thrones:
So don’t throw things at me but I haven’t read the book yet *cowers* I know I should have read them first but I never got around to it and I finally caved in and starting watching the show. Oh god it’s so good and Joffrey’s a little murderous shit that I love watching. No spoilers people I’m only up to season 5!

The Joker from Batman (Mainly Heth Ledgers Joker but I’m hopeful for the new Joker)
The Joker is my favorite villain of all time, he’s funny, clever, psychopathic? (well that could be argued XD) and is he really that bad? I’m mean he tries to stop Batman a lot and people get hurt a long the way but when do we start blaming Batman as well? I mean if he didn’t exist would the Joker exist still?
Also Harley Quinn becasue, well its Harley Quinn!

Victor from Vicious by V.E Schwab.
I just finished this book and I LOVED it. Victor and Eli are so sensational. There beliefs what makes someone a hero and villain the things they do for good and revenge. I don’t see Victor as a villain but he’s not a hero either, there is a lot of gray space between the two and he fits snuggle in the middle leaning heavily to the villain side. The only complaint I had about this book is I would have liked a few extra chapters to know what happens after but the ending was great anyhow and there is talk of a second book so hopefully we can get that!

Dolorous Umbridge from Harry Potter. 
Oh you thought I was going to say Voldemort? haha Think again. Dolorous has to be one of my most hated characters ever, I don’t even love to hate her it’s just hate, pure cold I wish you would die and become a zombie so I could kill you again.
J.K did an amazing job writing her in such an unlikable way I can’t find one redeeming quality about her and couldn’t stand what she put the children of Hogwarts through.

Bellatrix Lestrange:
Oh Bellatrix another one of my favorite villains. I’m not ashamed to say that one of my favorite moments of the books and movies was her singing about killing Sirus black. I may sing a long when I watch the movie IM NOT SORRY yes Siruis’s death is sad but I Bellatrix is so good and being bad.


Who do you love to hate? I’d love to know movie or book wise. Or do you prefer the Heroes to the Villains? 

21 thoughts on “Villains I love to hate

  1. Loved this post!

    One of my favorite villans of books I’ve read this year is Brady in Mr. Mercedes (Bill Hodges trilogy) by Stephen King. Probably one of the most f***ed up characters EVER. Actually, now that I think about it, ALL of King’s antagonists are brilliant!


  2. I LOVED Joe from ‘You’ too! His narration was just hilarious and he was so weirdly likeable (despite the whole being a stalker/serial killer thing) haha! I guess I am sick and twisted too. Also I totally agree with you on Umbridge being worse than Voldemort. I loathe that woman.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I agree with Aramantha but I have to say, Queen Levena wins number one place for me! She hated her so much but at the same time, I kind of ADORED her and I mean, she’s taking over the world but with ALL THE GLAMOUR (*wink wink* see what I did there?) I’m reading In the Afterlight right now and I hate-ishly-love CLANCEY! He is so evil but so GOOD at being evil and he makes me hate him SO MUCH!

    I really need to read Vicious! It seems so great and i need to see what everyone has been raving about!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I started the Darkest minds series but haven’t read on the Afterlight Clancey’s an awesome villain he kept me guessing from the start and I loved that! I’ll have to pick up the last book soon 😊
      And yes to queen Levena I loved the novella for her and learning more, her glamour was fantastic and stuck true with the fairytale theme so well but put such a different spin on it 😁

      Liked by 1 person

  4. This is such a fun post, I love it! Totally agree on the Umbridge and The Joker front! I also love Mrs Coulter from His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman and Miss Trunchball from Matilda – she totally gave me nightmares when I was a kid.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I haven’t heard of His Dark Materials before I’m going to check it out ☺️
      Miss Trunchball was so crazy! I’m mean locking kids on the Chokey and making the kid eat a whole cake I hated her as a child can’t believe I forgot about her 😅 I loved when they ran her out of the house, such a good movie!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You should! It’s a trilogy, the first one The Northern Lights (or The Golden Compass in the US)! 🙂 Haha I know – weirdly the cake thing scared me more than the chokey, I’m terrified of being put off of my food lol! It really is, I might watch it this weekend actually. 🙂

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  5. It’s funny you mention Game of Thrones because I’ve just started reading the books (after having been a long-time fan of the show). I actually usually like bad guy characters, but I agree 100% on Joffrey. He’s a villain I truly love to hate–in both the books and the show.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Im nearly finished with season six and I’m going to start the first book once I’m done 😊 I can’t wait to learn more about the world and see what the series left out ☺️ Joffrey is such a great Villain

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      1. You’re doing exactly what I did! As soon as I finished the sixth season, I decided to read the books, though I had long swore I wouldn’t. 😀

        So far, I enjoy the books and show equally. I think they’re both good. The books definitely have some great world-building!


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