My Worst Reads of 2016

So you may have seen all my gushy posts with all my top 3’s in nearly all genres and how much I loved all the books, well this post is going to be a little different. Now just a little information; I am a very very high star rater. I think this is mainly because I know what will interest me and what won’t so I pick my books carefully. BUT I’ve made mistakes guys, I’ve made mistakes: Taking people’s recommendations, getting caught up in hype, or just cover buys without reading the god damn synopsis (seriously I don’t know why I do this but I do and it never turns out okay)

So here are my WORST reads of 2016

I’m not rating these from worst to least worst because I feel like there all as uniquely bad in their own special ways.

Starting us off is The Other side Of Gravity by Shelley Crane.

You know when you’re  watching a horror movie that is SO bad it turns into a comedy and you enjoy it? That’s what this book was but with love. The insta love and romance is so heavy and some of the lines are just so absolutely ridiculous its just cringe worthy and bad but I also kind of want to read the next book for some more cringe, it was so bad it’s funny. I included this line in my review “I went because…my ovaries made me.” which is a direct quote and people we’re actually shocked that it was a real line and not something I made up to make fun of the book.



Rebel Belle by Rachel Hawkings

This book is going to be an unpopular opinion. SO many people love this book, so many people recommended this book to me that I didn’t just buy the first book, oh no I went and bought the second book at the same time just in case I needed to pick it up right away. I was so wrong, I hated the Main character in this and couldn’t stand the way she acted to others. Sorry Rebel Belle you’re very pretty but not my taste.


17702285Enders Game by Orson Scott Card

A Sci Fi classic, a must read for Sci Fi fans, An amazing book blah. I didn’t like it? I’m sorry but I saw the ending coming and people hyped it up to much for me.

Also the Author is a sucky human and I know most people can seperate the art from the artist but when his sexism shines through in a cast of 100’s of the most elite genius children and you have one girl? Really man?No, just no.



24476465The Kanin Chronicles book #3: Crystal Kingdom

This is actually book 3, Why book three Casey? Well I don’t get me wrong I disliked one and two but book three really took the cake. I did not finish this at page 350ish. I only had a few more chapters to go and the whole series would be done but you know what? The whole series was dull, I felt like the plot went in circles and while the world was okay i was expecting something I love different when I read there were Trolls. Sorry Crystal Kingdom but I’m never going to finish you on principle alone now.



26158403And the last book on my List is *drum roll* The Killing Game/ The assassins Game by Kirstie McKay

I not only wrote a ranty review on this book but I wrote an entire discussion post on misleading synopsis’s that was inspired by this book so thank you for giving me that inspiration.

This book sounded so so cool, a school for geniuses that have a prank war were they have to “kill” someone using pranks until they have killed all but one or are guessed and to make things cooler there’s a “real” Killer out there targeting people. Hey don’t get to excited after reading that remember what I said about misleading? This book had so much potential, I mean geniuses and pranks? Build a robot or something don’t just throw paint at someone! Gah this book was just frustrating plot and action wise.


So these are my 5 Worst books of 2016, Considering I have read 150+ books this year so I’d say really disliking 5 of them is actually a really good thing.

What is your most disliked book of the year? Also sorry if anyones faves are up here I’m sure you hate one of my faves to no need to be upset that I didn’t like a book that you loved 🙂

15 thoughts on “My Worst Reads of 2016

  1. I haven’t read any of these, so I’m glad I caught this post. I think I have The Assassin’s Game on my TBR, what a shame about the misleading description. I hate when that happens! And The Ender’s Game is also on my TBR and I’m so bad that it only included a girl among all the geniuses.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Assassins game was such a disappointment for me 🙁 I was just expecting so much more from the plot and characters and they all fell short 😞 Enders game is a very unpopular opinion nearly everyone i know had loved it but nope I just couldn’t stand the characters and found the story to be a bit hyped up in my eyes and I love sci fi so I was really hoping to love it along with everyone else 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh noes, I’m sad that you didn’t like Crystal Kingdom. I’ve the first book in that series and haven’t read it (because let’s not even start on my TBR again) but I had such high expectations for it! Hocking is usually such a fun little author. ALSO, damn. I thought Ender’s Game would be good. Have you seen the film?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Gah the film included more girls which I was happy about but I didn’t like that either just because it was pretty boring as I didn’t like the main character book or TV ways. you may still LOVE Enders game it’s a very unpopular opinion from my end 🙈 Also with the Crystal Kingdom I’ve now found out that it’s a companion book so if you liked the other Amanda Hocking books you may like these ones too 😊

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  3. It’s a pity that you didn’t like it but I loved the The Kanin Chronicles! And you do realise it is a companion series to the Trylle Trilogy by her? You really need to read that trilogy first to get the world building 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Aww okay.
        That’s not good.
        I was the other way round. I read the Trylle Trilogy a few years ago now and i really enjoyed it and then this year I discovered that the Kanin Chronicles existed.
        Because it had been so long, it was hard remember what happened in the first series!

        Liked by 1 person

    1. A lot of people love Rebel Belle so my opinion is def unpopular but I just couldn’t stand Harper the MC so I didn’t get along with that book. You could probably read a sample to see how you feel about it and decide whether to buy it because I disliked it right off the bat but kept reading for unknown reasons XD


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