March Wrap Up & Haul

March is over!
I made it my birthday month barely buying any books because god I have enough and wow i am being responsible and saving money for fun things like a new house and a much needed holiday.
I read a total of 8 books which I’m happy with and I really enjoyed every single one.
This month I stuck by my no TBR rule and the only planned book I had on there was Frostblood as Kirstie and I buddy read it for the Dragons Hoard Book of the Month.
4/5 stars
This is probably a 3 star book but I just had a lot of fun reading it so it deserves my four stars whole heartedly.

Frostblood I’d say is PERFECT for younger teens getting into fantasy books. The storyline, while way too abrupt most the time just rockets through the plot and kept me turning the pages. The world building is nothing to be wowed by and the character dialogue leaves a lot wanting but I just really had fun with the characters and where the story took us. Plus the magic is simple and described really well.

4/5 Stars
Speaking of Frostblood, this month I decided to just read what I want and that meant continuing on the same author if I wanted. So I did. After Frostblood I went and read Fireblood the second book, which I really enjoyed even if it was so still tropey and predictable.
The writing improved DRAMATICALLY and the story is still really fun to read. I still really love the fight scenes and magic descriptors, they’re written simply but really well.

I’m excited for the next book and to see more of these characters all together.

5/5 Stars
Hilarious and just fantastic, I’m jumped straight into Jenny’s other book after this!

The ending gave me goosebumps and i just love love loved the stories, it made me laugh and that’s all I need to give a book 5 stars really.

I’m tempted to list all the chapter names to see what weird paragraph it’ll make but I sure someones probably already done that.

4/5 Stars
I really loved hearing more about Jenny’s childhood and wow what a childhood it was. Her Dad is such a character and I loved her Mum and just her whole family ❤

I’m really glad I read Furiously Happy first as I did love it more and it kept me engaged in this book in a way since I still had all her other stories fresh in my brain to fill in all the references.

While I didn’t love this “as” much as furiously happy i loved it a lot and any book that makes me laugh out loud in a public place is a pretty damn good book.

5/5 stars
3.5/5 stars
I really enjoyed the ending of this book! Listening on audio (not sure of it would have been different in physical) I found the start really slow and when it did pick up it was basically over 😫

I reeeeally loved the world! The setting, the focus of pollution, the difference between the poor and rich, the characters! Absolutely worth the read.

3/5 Stars
I actually enjoyed this more then the first because things were actually happening and I wasn’t as put off by all the side character BUT it’s just lacking a certain spark for me.

I will be continuing with the series but it’s not a top priority as I reakon all these books will be about a 3 – not bad not great but okay when reading.

4.5/5 Stars
This book has been kinda hyped and I just thought it was going to be a cool concept done poorly. I have been tricked in the past with the whole become death and kill everyone but then the book not showing any murder and I’m just here killing the characters in my mind BUT SCYTHE DID NOT DO THIS! It murdered and took lives for good and bad, there was an awesome villain gang and lots of whats best for society and what happens when you’re above the law.
The concept was done fantastically and that’s why I really enjoyed it, the characters are good but nothing impressive. I did like the relationships between apprentice and scythe and how it impacts your family and how people treat you.


It was my birthday month and while I didn’t really celebrate by buying books I did have a good time just hanging with friends and fam and eating all the good food stuffs. I started a boot camp at the gym which is as painful as you’d expect while doing it and for days after but I’m pretty proud of myself for going to group sessions even though I don’t know anyone. Cake + Gym anyone?
My Plans for April are pretty non-existent, That YA Podcast is over so I’m going to have a lot more spare time to start working on my new writing project which is super exciting. I’ve already outlined the short story I want to create and depending on what it’s like as a short I have plans to expand it into a full draft. It’s about space and murder and two best friends caught up in it all. I even have a working title for it and really just like looking up space facts so even if there’s a butt load of research involved at least I’ll have fun doing it.

Book Haul


Okayyyy so onto April which will hopefully be semi relaxing and maybe full of good things and some more great books.

How was everyone’s March? Did you manage to eat some cake? Read some good books? What book are you most looking forward to in April?

17 thoughts on “March Wrap Up & Haul

  1. Ooooh, Furiously Happy & Obsidio are both SO GOOD.
    I had a love/hate thing going on with the latter for a while because of a massive book hangover. I never had one in my life so.. yeah.. that was new. :’)

    Curious about Scythe! It’s on my wish list but no clue when I’ll ever get my hands on it, let alone actually read it, haha.
    I was intrigued by The Belles but some.. issues with it I heard about put me off entirely, unfortunately. :’) Hope you enjoy it though! 😀

    Happy reading!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. FIRST BOOK HANGOVER OH NOOOOOOO! I usually just re-read the hangover book when that happened to me XD Furiously happy is perfect and obsidio was everything I could have hoped for!

      I heard about those issues too :/ I think im still going to give it a go but I’m glad I know before hand whats going to happen. Hope you enjoy Scythe when you do get your hands on it 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh god no. I didn’t want to end up on that rollercoaster AGAIN. It was way too soon, hahah. I’m out of it now though – sooo happy with that. :’) Children of Blood and Bone pretty much was the last push I needed to get rid of the slump completely – YAY.

        Exactly. I think people should just.. be aware of the issues others have with it before going in. It’s your own choice whether or not you read it – nobody can blame you for that. [Same with some other authors’ work – you can hate the author but still want to read their books. I’m not going to be on people’s case about that either. 😛 ]
        Thank you!

        Liked by 1 person

    1. So hilarious! I’m really glad I read it finallly it was on my tbr for so long 🙂
      I cant wait for you to read Obsidio!!!!!!!! I’m still excited over that series and cant wait to reread it all after knowing everything 😀

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  2. Oh I have to read Fireblood soon, I love these books despite their flaws ♥
    The Three Dark Thrones Series is not on my top priority list as well – I actually liked book 1 more, but generally I feel like this Series is not what I wanted it to be 😦

    Liked by 1 person

    1. right?! like yeh the plots clunky and predictable but it’s just so much fun that it doesn’t matter! I hope you like it!
      I was really bored/confused all through book 1 of Three Dark Thrones so i do like book 2 the slightest bit more but I did like the ending more in book 1. I think it’ll end up just being a meh series but who knows maybe it’ll pick up in a good way, I can only hope xD

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  3. Eight books is awesome, nice job! I am dying to read Scythe. I’m trying not to buy so many books, so I may check if my library has it available yet! Awesome book haul.

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