This Savage Song by V.E. Schwab

28696452.jpgThere’s no such thing as safe in a city at war, a city overrun with monsters. In this dark urban fantasy from author Victoria Schwab, a young woman and a young man must choose whether to become heroes or villains—and friends or enemies—with the future of their home at stake. The first of two books.

Kate Harker and August Flynn are the heirs to a divided city—a city where the violence has begun to breed actual monsters. All Kate wants is to be as ruthless as her father, who lets the monsters roam free and makes the humans pay for his protection. All August wants is to be human, as good-hearted as his own father, to play a bigger role in protecting the innocent—but he’s one of the monsters. One who can steal a soul with a simple strain of music. When the chance arises to keep an eye on Kate, who’s just been kicked out of her sixth boarding school and returned home, August jumps at it. But Kate discovers August’s secret, and after a failed assassination attempt the pair must flee for their lives.

The Story


Kate Harker is the daughter of the Ruthless Harker who controls half of the city with monsters and anyone not paying protection money is fair game to the Monsters that lurk in the dark, praying on fear and hunger.

August Flynn is a monster, a rare monster that can steal your soul with a song. All August wants to be is normal, go outside, help with the efforts to pull the city back together like his family.

August is sent to school when they hear word Kate is going to be attending, he is to observe her in case the war efforts are pushed and his family needs leverage against Harker and his Monsters. August enjoys school and even finds some solace in being able to play his music without hurting anyone. Kate knows something’s off with August and aims to find out what exactly is up with the strange boy and his smudgy pictures.


woop_woopV.E Schwab is an amazing writer. This book started of slow for me but after 50 pages the world building was set, I could imagine the city, the monsters, the humans, the killings, everything was beautiful and haunted. The Characters are well-developed and the side characters all have in-depth back stories and their were no unnecessary 2D filler characters.


Kristen-Stewarts-Headache-Of-Disapproval-Reaction-GifI had a few problems with The Savage Song and it was mainly the plot line AND some of Kate’s actions. Okay so plot wise… where was it? I mean yeah there’s a war starting, some action happens but then what? This book was mainly based on the characters and their development. I felt like this was a part one of book one instead of its own book.

Looking back I can’t remember any big event happening in the world. It’s all betrayal and related directly to the Main characters. I would have liked some more world-wide destruction and chaos a few explosions and maybe a random killing spree is all I’m hoping for is that too much?

Also Kate wasn’t the most likable character, I mean I LOVE an anti hero but she was also a bit diluted and the begining and I felt like she was bratty. I did see the character development towards the end and hopefully the next book is jam-packed with plot to pick up the series and send the story into the direction I’m hoping for.


V.E Scwab is one of my favourite Authors so there is no way I won’t be completing this series.


4/5 stars:

The characters were a high 4 for me and the plot was a low 3

What V.E Shwab books have you read? Is this your favourite? 

15 thoughts on “This Savage Song by V.E. Schwab

  1. The only V.E. Schawb book I’ve read is A Darker Shade of Magic. And I *adore* it. I’m a series binger, so I’ll read the remaining books when the last one is released in Feb (and probably re-read ADSoM).
    I’m sorry the plot frustrated you! I’m also glad you aren’t giving up. Series from great authors are challenging to push through when you start out on a low note. But I have never been disappointed for finishing!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. ADSoM is my favorite I absolutely love everything about that book and AGOS is even better in my opinion so I hope you love it! I’m going to re-read them once ACoL comes out so I can have my Kell and Lila fix XD
      I think the plot will pick up for This Savage Song in the next book and hopefully I’ll love it just as much as I loved AGoS.

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      1. Yes!! I am super excited to read the rest of the series. I adore Lila. She’s flawed, but perfect. One of my favorite characters I’ve ever read.

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    1. You should check out her other series if your interested! Even this book is still great compared to some other Authors but in my eyes it didn’t live up to my expectations. BUT she is a favorite of mine and I highly recommend her standalone Vicious- It’s a story about 2 people that develop super powers and its about the moral fibers of humans becoming monsters. This Savage Song was actually based on a line from the book regarding Monsters and Humans.

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  2. Sorry the plot fell a little short for you! I have read ADDOM and obviously want to continue on with AGOS. Vicious is also on my TBR. I’ve actually read mixed reviews on this one, so it isn’t high up on my TBR. Hopefully the next book in the series will redeem itself.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I hope the next book helps redeem it as well, I think if another Author wrote this I may have enjoyed it more or if it was my first Schwab read but it just didn’t live up to my expectations after ADSOM. AGOS is SOOOO good I hope you love it just as much as ADSOM, I can’t wait for the last book XD

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  3. Thanks for the balanced review. I seem to hear ONLY good things about V E Schwab’s books, it’s good to hear that they’re not totally perfect. In fact, it kinda makes me want to read them more.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I love V.E Shwab and even though this wasn’t my favourite from her I still think shes a fantastic Author. I’m the same I think it sounds to good to be true if there are only great reviews 🙂 I hope you enjoy what ever book of hers you pick up first!

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