My TBR (that is actually threatening me with death) and Project 5

So this post may be a little long but I’ll try to keep it as short as I can. Last year i went a bit crazy with spending and book hauls, one of my hauls was 20+ books (a lot of them were cheap and second hand but still… 20+)

This year I decided I’m going to get all these books read before they turn into lonely yellowed versions of their former selfs and plan a mutiny against me. I’m doing Project 5 which is if you’re not familiar a read 5 buy 1 plan. I fail at book bans whenever I try but this system is actually working really well for me and is motivating me to read so it’s a win win all round.

Its been a month and a half and I have only purchased 2 books and pre-ordered one (I’m not counting pre-orders until I have them in my hands) I have read 14 books and will have read 15 by the time my copy of A Conjuring of Light gets here! I’m on track although I’ve let myself have some little cheats:

  • I’m not including review books as purchases
  • I’m also not including Audio books because I’m an audible member and get credits either way.

So just to put myself through so more pain I thought I’d list all my to be read books that I own in sorted by genres. Do pressure me in the comments to hurry up and pick one up that’s your fave I need all the motivation I can get.

Sci Fi:





Adult Fiction/Classics:


So that leaves me with a grand total of 50ish books to be read this year and this my to be read immediately shelf, I do have boxes of books that I just acquired and need to unhaul because I’m never going to read them.

I’m slowly picking away at this and will hopefully have a follow-up piece to this post with all new to be read books on my shelves. If anyones to be read shelves are over flowing or you just want to save more money I highly recommend project 5 over a book buying ban as its working wonders from my self control… I mean I actually have some now!

Spot any of your faves or any books that are on your TBR too? What’s the book that’s been on your to read list the longest? 

Mine is Four Past Midnight by Stephen King I borrowed this book from my Mum 4 years ago, 4 YEARS AGO it’s safe to say that it is mine now since she’s forgotten it existed.


P.S Hey if anyone would like to do a buddy read for any of these books I am always down for that. 



42 thoughts on “My TBR (that is actually threatening me with death) and Project 5

  1. Awesome post!!!! 😀 And there’s usually a banned books readathon which I was thinking of reading 1984 in! So maybe we could do that together! Also pls read Our Chemical Hearts. It’s amazing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. A Banned books marathon? I’m in! I don’t think I’ve heard if it before xD

      eeee I’m so bad with My Chemical Heart I started it and then forgot about it for new releases Dx Planning on starting from the beginning and read it all the way through.

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  2. Awesome list! I feel your pain – my tbr is killing me. It just gets bigger and bigger! I haven’t bought as many books recently because I’m about to start Master’s and I’m trying to read as many books as possible before I start. Can’t keep buying them – unless they’re part of a series then I make an exception.

    I saw Captive Prince on this list! It’s one of my favourite books ever and the following 2 books are incredible. The first book is a little difficult to get through, some trigger warning stuff, but persevere because it’s life-changing.

    Good luck on reading all of these books!! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ve seen the trigger warnings so I think I’m pretty okay with the content I hope I love it as much as you do! It’s high up on my to be read list.

      Yay on doing your Masters! not buying a heap of books will definitely help with staying un distracted, TBR’s can just get out of hand before you even realise whats happening thats why I started counting and keeping track it makes me realise that I don’t actually need any more books unless there a series I’m already reading 🙂

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      1. Oh good! I always recommend that series to people and when they read the first book they’re like, “What are you making me read?” And I’m always like, “Please, it gets better!!” I hope you really like it!
        Awww thank you! Yes, TBRs can get crazy if you don’t keep on top of them lol 😀

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  3. Good books!!
    I really liked Ready Player One and Between Two Thorns!

    I see a few books on here that I need to read as well haha. I don’t buy books as much any more ( few times a year). I just can’t afford it unfortunately 😦 but, I spend a lot of time at the library, so I still get my fix from there.

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    1. I just got Between Two Thorns and I’m nearly 100% sure I’ll love it + the cover is so beautiful 😀
      I use the ebooks and audio books from library but I need to go in more often it’s such a great resource and I’m sad I don’t use it as much as I should. It’s great for books that your not sure you’ll love as well so you don’t spend money on books you’ll never read again.

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  4. DAUGHTER OF SMOKE & BONE!! Also, Ready Player One is a great book!! I mentally have a Project 5 going. There’s not many books that I’m hell bent on buying except maybe continuing series, but I still have a TBR Mountain that needs to be read or it probably will end up killing me lol Good luck!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I actually just finished ADOSAB and I LOVED it! I can’t wait to read the next two books the ending was :O
      Ready Player one is another that high up on my tbr because I’ve had a heap of people tell me how good it is, I need to join in with the loving xD

      I’m allowing myself a break for my birthday so I can buy some books I really want but like you theres not much that I’m in dire need of, I mean it’s not like there going to go away anytime soon so I can just get them in the future if I’m still interested in them 🙂 Good luck with your TBR to! Hopefully we can both get them under some sort of control XD

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      1. Exactly!! I’m trying to get in the mind set of that too — that they’re not going anywhere so there is no need to rush purchasing. I’m so glad you loved DOSAB!! It’s amazing ugh.

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  5. I think the only one I’ve read on your TBR is Wool (which I found different to what I was expecting but really good) but pretty much all the fantasy books are on my TBR as well. Unfortunately, I don’t have any of them but I have more than enough books to be getting on with.

    Any ideas which one you’re going to read first? (Apart from A Conjuring of Light)

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    1. Wool looks really good but I just keep putting it off even though I’ve only heard good things about it!
      I think I’ll be picking up Our Chemical Hearts or The Sidekicks just so I can break up my fantasy reads with a contemporary but I’m also eyeing off Ready Player One and Navigating Early so it will just be which ever takes my attention the most after ACOL 😀


  6. YOU CAN DO IT. I kept looking at all the books on your list and wanting to be like – how haven’t you read that yet?! And then remembered I haven’t either – but we both know how bad my TBR situation is 😂😂 I’m so keen to read Pillars of the Earth, too! I think that might be a project to tackle next year for me!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I know Kirstie I look at them too and just shake my head at myself XD Hey I like your TBR situation it makes me feel better about my own bahahaha!
      My mum is on my back to read Pillars so I’m going to try my best to pick up that monster of a book I just need to be in the right mood 😀

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  7. We Were Liars is such a great read! For 1984, I hated reading that book. I down right hated it but most people that read it really enjoy it. I just didn’t enjoy it. I’ve actually been wanting to read Cell for the past three years and it is still sitting, unread on my bookshelf. I love all of Stephen King’s books so I have no clue why I haven’t read it.
    Loved your answers! Really enjoyed reading this post! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I have to be in the right mood for King his books are amazing but if I’m distracted or just not in the mind to pay attention then I end up putting them down for something easier I think that’s why I have so many on my TBR even though I like him too xD

      I’ve heard 1984 is really bad from some people and then had other gush at me about it so I’m pretty interested to see which side I’ll end up on xD

      We Were Liars has so much mystery around it and reviews that say it has a different type of plot twist i’m really interested in reading it.

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      1. Stephen King is such a great author and I’m totally with you when you say that you have to be in a mood to read his stuff.
        I can’t wait to see what side you end up on for both We Were Liars and 1984. I read both of these books at the same point of time and I remember them very well. Hope you enjoy all three of them!

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  8. I should adopt this plan too – I have so many unread books on my shelf. I actually have been book marking all of my unread books with a red bookmark and trying to get rid of as much red as I can by the end of the year. Because the red sticking out of the top of my books don’t look that good on my pretty little book shelf it’s motivating me to just get them read. At last count I had 31 books to read so thankfully it’s not as many as you – I feel for you! But you must pick up Dorothy Must Die soonish – it’s not for everyone but I adored it. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s working well so far! I’ve only been reading from that shelf and I can see it becoming less and less Jam packed. The red book marks are a good idea (although I’d probs just get sick of them and push them all down XD) 31 is pretty reasonable I think. I’ve had Dorothy must die for ages now and a friends giving me the second book soon so I have to get on that xD


  9. Lots of these books are on my TBR. Last year I read Mr. Mercedes and Fahrenheit 451. Mr. Mercedes was really good, but it is crime fiction and not technically horror… It is actually his first attempt at crime fiction and it was fantastic. The antagonist was probably one of the most F*ed up individuals I’ve ever read. Fahrenheit 451 is definitely on the slower paced side, but if you really pay attention, it is very relevant today…. crazy to think it was published back in the 1950’s!

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    1. I keep forgetting it crime fiction! I should have put it in the other category XD I think I’m going to love Mr Mercedes so I’ve been putting it off (not that that makes any sense) I just want to read it at the right time 😀

      I expect that from Fahrenheit being an older book I have to be in the mood to actually pay attention and read while with YA books I don’t have to think as much, I love seeing the parallels in classics and how they still relate to society now.

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    1. Shhhh! the other books will hear you 😉 This is my uh immediate tbr XD

      I do have a whole shelf I didn’t included just because I have no plans of reading any of those books yet but I do want to read them one day… I buy to many garage sale bulk boxes of books I cant be bothered cataloging them XD

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