Best books I’ve read – Mid Year Crisis

When did it become July? I’d like a refund please, I am so not ready for the year to be halfway over! We’re back with another Top Ten Tuesday a theme hosted by the amazing The Broke and the Bookish. If you don’t already join in with these prompts what are you doing? XD Top Ten Tuesday is actually on a break but I missed out on this one so may as well catch up instead of trying to come up with my own content XD I’m also mixing in the mid year freak out tag so bare with me here.

Fave books of 2017 so far (in no particular order)

You’re damn right I used all 10 spots, Narrowing it down to only 10 broke my heart enough thank you very much.

UntitlfedNow down to some mid year reading facts:

I have currently read 65 books making my Goodreads goal of 100 well in reach *punches the air* also please remember I have 0 life and all the time to read, no matter where you’re at or how much you’ve read you’re doing awesome!

I thought I was reading a lot of Fantasy this year but what do you know I’m actually nearly 50/50 with my contemporary reads.

The book I like least of all this year:

33777895The Silent Invasion by James Bradley 

I just CANT with this whole book, all the characters do is walk and walk and walk, the characters say about 5 sentences to each other and they’re suddenly in love, there’s animal abusive for no reason as it doesn’t move the plot, all it does is show some random people are evil and we already knew they were evil when the kidnapped the main character *deep sigh* the aliens are never explained, the virus is never explained, NOTHING IS EXPLAINED… I have um a lot of dislike for this book, it had to be one of the worst books I’ve read in a long time.

34335011My biggest surprise was Love, and you by Gretchen Gomez 

My first ever poetry book (asides from school assigned) I was so iffy going into a poetry because I wasn’t sure if I’d like it but I was so so wrong, Gretchens words made me feel so many things, made me want to get up and take action, made me want to be more and gave me such a boost. Her poetry inspired me to read more and I still go back to some of my fave passages and reread them.

I urge everyone to pick up this beautiful book ❤

Favourite New Author 

This is so hard because I’ve read so many good new Authors! Top mentions to Slyvain Nauvel, Robin Hobb and Scott Lynch but the top spot goes to Laini Taylor, I adored A Daughter of Smoke and Bones and Strange the Dreamer. These books are both unlike anything I’ve ever read and I can’t wrap my head around how much I love the characters and worlds.

Fave post I’ve done this year

May Wrap up and Haul (1)I’ve actually loved alot of my posts this year but I am really digging my new :List of Loves. I’ve only done two but so many people fangirled about Robots and stabby characters with me and I need more of that in my life.

A book I need to read by the end of the year 

HOW ABOUT EVERYTHING! Okay one I really need to read is IT by Stephen King I’ve been putting it off for way to long and need to read it before the movie is out.


Okay so that’s my mid year freak out crisis wrap up! I have so many books left to read and if they’re half as good as the books I’ve loved this year I won’t be disappointed.

Hope everyones reading goals are on track and you’ve read some amazing books!

Shout at me in the comments what your fave book of the year is, bonus points if it’s one of my faves too.

23 thoughts on “Best books I’ve read – Mid Year Crisis

  1. I loved A Conjuring of Light! Currently I am reading The Hate U Give (audiobook) which is amazing so far. I’ve read The Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor and couldn’t get into it, so I am not sure if I will try Strange the Dreamer.
    My fav this year has got to be My Heart and Other Black Holes 🙂 The Name of The Wind is also amazing!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I thought Strange was better then ADOSAB but yeah it’s done in the same writing style which isn’t for everyone luckily I liked it xD I’ve had people shout at me to read The Name in the Wind but the trilogy being unfinished makes me put it off, I’ve heard it’s amazing tho!
      So happy to hear you’re loving Thug! I might do a re-read/listen if the narrator is good 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes I heard quite a few people who say that about TNOTW. Unfortunately there is no word about when the third book is released 😦
        The audiobook for THUG is amazing! I think the narrator does a great job!
        I will keep an eye out for Strange. Maybe I will give it a try 🙂


  2. You’re favourite books list is so spot on, especially A Conjuring of Light and Strange the Dreamer, those books were amazing! 😍 And I REALLY need to get onto Sleeping Giants and A Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue… soon I promise, soon

    Liked by 1 person

    1. YASS THEY ARE SO SO GOOD! I can’t wait for you to read Gentlemans guide I think you’ll adore it, it’s so funny and there’s so much adventure! We all know how I feel about Sleeping Giants xD

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    1. Queens of Geek has to be one of my all time faves it’s so good and had me tearing up at everyother page 🙂 Eeee! I hope you love the Every series, the mystery was amazing for me, it’s a little predictable but the awesome characters make up for it! Thank you Anisha ❤


  3. REFUND ON JULY, OR THIS YEAR, YES PLS. Your hate of Silent Invasion gives me life. Is it wrong to laugh so much cos… oops.
    YAY HOBB GOT ON YOUR FAVES LIST. So proud. So proud. :’) I wonder what the rest of the year will bring, hopefully some awesome reads!!!
    Good luck with It, haha!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. YES REFUND! Bahahaha I’m glad someone gets pleasure out of my pain xD I can’t wait for the rest of the years reads (although I’d like it to slow down pls) Super psyched for GG I have a strong suspicion it’ll make my best books of the year post xD

      Liked by 1 person

        I already know that Kristoff, Hobb and Sanderson will be in my 5 star yearly wrap up post. It’s inevitable! ❤
        I'd like this year to slow down too we're already mid-July HOW DO WE COPE.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. YES! They’re all so good and so different?! Man this years been a great year for new books, at least for me xD You’ll love thug it’s so just so much I can’t even describe how fantastic it is 🙂


  4. Seriously though! It’s already July and my TBR is as high as ever! The Hate U Give and The Shades of Magic trilogy has been on my TBR for months and I still have yet to read it. I made a special note to myself to begin this month but with all the ARCs that I’ve somehow managed to fall behind on, committing to a series almost seems undoable right now – at least I was able to read When Dimple Met Rishi. That counts for something, right ? 🙂
    Strange the Dreamer has been under my radar for quite sometime, guess it’s time to give it a shot 😀
    Great post btw – I look forward to reading more from you in the future!
    Happy Reading 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We need some type of time turner, all the new releases mushed with all the series to catch up on is going to be the demise of all of us XD
      I hope you catch up with all your acrs its such a good feeling! I just got mine under control and the relief is amazing. Yes that counts xD I loved When Dimple met Rishi give me all the smart girls and awkward boys.
      Thank you ❤

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  5. This is GREAT! I love how you combined the TTT “freebee” into this tag which has been going around. You also reminded me that there are some awesome statistics available on GR I never check out. Thanks for that!

    I am ahead of schedule for my reading, but behind schedule for my reviews. As in, I’ve read a ton of books I haven’t had a chance to review yet. O_o I am actually planning some vacation days coming up soon to catch up on that, if you can believe it. Oops! That will help my sanity quite a bit, I think.

    I’d have to say that Sleeping Giants and A Conjuring of Light are both certainly on my top reads for this year too. I’ll also have to add Rebecca, Gemina, Hattie Big Sky, and The Alchemist. I’ve barely read any books published in 2017 this year. That can’t be a bad thing, though, right? 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ve basically given up reviewing everything, I read more than I post so it’s really hard to keep up with review posting DX I’ve reviewed most of them on GR’s but they just keep piling up!
      I am so glad you loved Sleeping Giants it’s such a wow book for me, I think I may reread it very soon, there’s just so much info in there I’m sure I could notice a lot more things the second time around. Ah Gemina, my heart stopped so many times during that book, I can’t imagine what Obsideo is going to do to all of us, there will definitely be tears involved. I entered a comp to be killed so hopefully my name will get into the book XD Fingers crossed!

      The GR stats are so cool, I love looking at how many page numbers I’ve read as well 🙂 Definitely not a bad thing, I need to catch up on older books on my TBR + most books that you don’t have to wait a year for the next?! So good.


  6. I am so happy with the books on your top 10 since most of them are on my TBR. I am reading Strange the Dreamer this month for sure, and I am hoping to get to The Hate U Give and Red Rising this year too! love, and you was a great selection for most surprising! I am actually kicking myself for not putting it in with my selections! I also was surprised how beautiful and insightful it was. Gretchen is a rock star 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It is so beautiful, I never thought poetry could touch me that much as school texts always made me see it as something imposing and a bit too much. Gretchen’s however is amazing and blew me away in all the good ways.
      Red Rising surprised me, I mean I know everyone loves it but I was scared the hype was to much. Luckily I enjoyed it anyway, the writing, world building, and characters are all A+


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