December End of year goals and a late TBR

Yes I am continually questioning the titles of my posts because I keep fooling myself into think I’m actually doing a TBR this month. HA HA CASEY funny joke. Seriously this month is full of read everything hurry up, we don’t have time to waste, mad hatter rabbit nonsense.

I’m going to start off with goals because that seems more reasonable than listing every unread book I own (it’s about 100ish if you’re wondering).

  • A big goal for me this year was to buy fewer books and I have massively succeeded in that! Using my library and becoming on a few publisher lists, plus having audible and e-arcs available has helped majorly.
  • I’ve been able to only buy 19 books this year! AND a lot of them were from second hand store so yay.
  • I did however haul a total of 135 books… NOW before you have a heartattack I’ve actually read most of them or unhauled the ones I wasn’t interested in. Also these count my audio and ebooks.
  • I had 50 ish books on my to be read shelf at the beginning of the year. How did I go with getting these read?
  • I unhauled 8, Read 14, and have 30 still on my TBR… whoops. B- for effort.
  • My goal of getting all 52 books read did not happen but I’m happy with what I did read from this list and the others can just wait a little bit more.


My main goal for the rest of this year is to get all my 2017 review copies READ! I don’t have too many to get through but here’s my list: 

31143801Perfect Remains by Helen Sarah Fields

Just read this synopsis: On a remote Highland mountain, the body of Elaine Buxton is burning. All that will be left to identify the respected lawyer are her teeth and a fragment of clothing.

In the concealed back room of a house in Edinburgh, the real Elaine Buxton screams into the darkness.

WHAT DO YOU MEAN REAL! I know why I was so excited to get this in my hands and want to smack myself for not starting it already.


32051572Dividing Eden by Joelle Charbonneau 

Scheming royal family fantasy! Yes please I do love. I’ve put this one off because I saw some meh reviews but no more who knows I’ll probably love it and regret putting it off for so long.


34522436.jpgGive me the child by Mel McGrath 

The synopsis is vague which is what i like from thrillers, too much info can ruin the twists but I think this has an evil child? I hope it does anyway.

Cat’s research tells her there’s no such thing as evil. Her history tells her she’s paranoid. But her instincts tell her different. And as the police fight to control a sudden spate of riots raging across the capital, Cat faces a race against time of her own…


28209634Autonomous by Annalee Newitz

I’ve started this and MAN ITS ALREADY COOL. An illegal pharmacist had a bad batch of performance pills and people are killing themselves trying to complete tasks. (rick and morty fans think Mr Meeseeks).

30849411Homegoing by  Yaa Gyasi

I really enjoy historical fiction (in small doses) and I haven’t read enough of it this year so Homegoing sounds perfect, plus being Australian im a little ignorant on all the US history so it’ll be good to read about.

Generation after generation, Yaa Gyasi’s magisterial first novel sets the fate of the individual against the obliterating movements of time, delivering unforgettable characters whose lives were shaped by historical forces beyond their control. 

35285697Little Secrets by Anna Snoekstra

An arsonist is on the loose in Colmstock, Australia, most recently burning down the town’s courthouse and killing a young boy who was trapped inside.

A neighbour turns on neighbour thriller set in an aussie town about an arsonist. I am so ready for this. Arsonists are horrible and sadly way to abundant in Australia seriously bush fires get started along my local highway every summer because someone likes to throw flaming bits of paper and cloth out the windows of their car. It’s horrible and devastating so having this as a focus in a thriller sounds really good.

33517568Weave a Circle Round by Kari Maaren

Freddy wants desperately to not be noticed. She doesn’t want to be seen as different or unusual, but her step-brother Roland gets attention because he’s deaf, and her little sister Mel thinks she’s a private detective. All Freddy wants to do is navigate high school with as little trouble as possible.

Then someone moves into the house on Grosvenor Street. Two extremely odd someones.


Okay so 7 books to complete my goal of getting them done. I think this is more than manageable for me since I will be on holidays for the last 2 weeks of December and have a heap of spare time to get stuck into these.

I would also like to read as many #loveozya titles as I can and participate in the Love OZ YA month and Bingo.

The last goal of mine is to get my 2018 owned TBR down to 50 books… that means sampling what I have sitting on my shelves and being ruthless in unhauling them. I will do it though. I am not having them sit on my shelves forever, better someone else have them and love them.

SO what are your December/end of year goals? How many books would you like to finish before the new year? What are you reading at the moment? Lets talk about all the things down below. 

20 thoughts on “December End of year goals and a late TBR

  1. I am honestly incredibly impressed with the way you’ve handled your TBR pile! It’s also my goal to turf as much of it as possible next year, whether that means reading them all, or unhauling them! It’ll be so so so satisfying to have a TBR under 20. IMAGINE THAT.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. UNDER 20 WHAT i probably couldn’t cope tbh I find myself looking at my shelves right now and not being pulled by anything so i’ve been buying new ebooks xD I just want 50 and under I think I’ll be set with that (also a lot less thriller I tend to buy a lot and read ummm not much at all lately)

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I would read 50 in a year so 20 is waaay more appealing to me. XD I didn’t say it was realistic HAHAHA, I just hope for below 100 to be quite honest. My TBR is so huge Casey help. I’m glad I don’t read ebooks. XD

        Liked by 1 person

        1. ebooks are so great tho! and yes it’s probs for the best XD I’m going to drown in books again once our new place is built because i plan on having to many shelves and being like, well now I have to fill them all up XD

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    1. Arcs have made up most my reading this year it’s been pretty fantastic. Next year I’ll be focusing on some backlogged books though I really need to stop putting them off for shiny new releases XD
      Ha it’s motivating to put it all out there then I can look back and remember that I was meant to be reading all these books instead of using them as decoration XD


  2. I really want to reach 55 books read before the year ends (I’m 53/55 currently), finish The Raven Cycle series and take a long nap because I feel like I exhausted myself reading A Dance with Dragons last month haha. But seriously though, my goals are pretty small.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. DOESN’T IT! I’ve only read the first 4 chapters and it’s pretty fantastic I keep getting side tracked and starting other books even though it’s already good. I need a good day to just sit down and get into it properly 🙂 232 is still amazing, shove all the small books in there!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I really want to read Dividing Eden. I actually took it out from my library not too long ago, but ended up having to return it before I had a chance to read it. I haven’t heard much about it from other bloggers, so I’ll be interested to see what you think of it! Homegoing is an absolutely fantastic book, btw. Even being from the US, I learned a lot because it shows a lot of the effects slavery had on Ghana too, which I didn’t really know anything about. Good luck with all of your goals for the rest of the year!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The end of the years coming so fast ah! Hopefully ur library frees it up soon and you get to it. I havent seen much about it either, there was some hype pre-release but then it seemed to just died down xD I hope we both enjoy it when we finally pick it up!
      Oh thats cool I’m really interested to read it and I’m hoping I pick it up in the next few days 🙂 Good luck to you to! ❤


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