NaNoWriMo Update #1 I am alive… for now

Hi Guys *Waves with both arms*

So I have decided to participate in National Novel Writing Month and it’s day 3 and I’m updating you on how it’s going!

So I had a story all outlined and perfect and I started to writing and bam I hated it SO I have kept the characters but gender swapped a few and started writing by the seat of my pants and it’s going a lot better.

It’s day 3 and I have stayed at my goal to write 1000 words per day, I’m enjoying my characters but I have no solid plot, I have a sort of plot though so that counts for something right? Right now my characters are just kind of interacting and bumbling about causing trouble.



My story doesn’t have a Title yet BUT I can say that the main character is a street performer and magician. Its young adult and my main character started off as a Boy but is now a Girl because he wasn’t working out as the main, sorry old MC move over for the new you.

Me before I changed the MC’s gender

My hands aren’t cramping up yet and I’m still getting some reading in so everything is fine for the moment, we’ll see how I’m going in a few more days!

How’s your NaNo going? Have you stuck with your plans? Changed them? Are you writing by the seat of your pants like I am now? 

19 thoughts on “NaNoWriMo Update #1 I am alive… for now

    1. *celebrates* I like writing but I’m not sure what this is even going to turn into XD
      I haven’t sat down and tried to write a story in years, so so far so good. I’m planning just to write and write even if it does turn out badly at least I have done it 😀


  1. It’s great your managing to stick to your word count, and great your taking part in NaNoWriMo this year as well. I’ve took part in it for the last two years but this year I didn’t think I could manage it as well as blogging so I figured I can always take part again next year. 🙂
    I’m normally a seat of my pants writer as well, I have a start-up idea and then see where my brain goes with it. I hope you manage to get to 50K words with your new idea, it would be a great achievement wouldn’t it?
    Good luck with the rest of the month! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m hoping for a solid 30-40K but 50K would blow my mind! I’m really enjoying my new idea and I think a lot of my old ideas will be able to be adjusted to fit this story but we’ll see how we go XD

      The one thing that has me wishing I had planned is doing research on some of the things I want to include but other then that I’m enjoying writing by the seat of my pants, hopefully I’m still saying that next week XD

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      1. That would be an amazing goal. Honestly I think whatever anyone writes during NaNo is a great goal isn’t it? And I’m glad to hear your new idea is going well, hopefully it continues to for the rest for the month right?
        I guess f it’s a story or an idea you want to continue with if you get the outline written down during NaNo to boast up your word count you can always go back the research later!
        But yeah good luck! 😀

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  2. I realise I’m ridiculously late reading this post–crazy behind on my blog reading. But I hope NaNo is still going well! I did it last year and it was lots of fun (and so productive), but also such a huge challenge. I’ll be cheering for you! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s going well! Hit a few bumps but I’m still really happy with my own progress and how my story has transformed into something I’m really enjoying 😀 I’ll definitely continue writing through to December and probably a few other months now that I know what I want to write about 🙂 Thank you!

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