January Wrap Up & Haul

It’s February and I am already behind in my posting schedule xD Bye bye new year resolution to be more organised here’s hoping Feb will be a better month for me.

January ended up being really crazy so I didn’t read as much as I would have liked or wrote as much as I would have liked but HEY there’s always next month right?


The Percy Jackson series! This series really started off as a meh I may be a bit old for this but I continued on and I am so happy I did. Book three really picked things up for me and I loved how Percy grew and the story got darker. I’ll be posting my series review soon!

8621462.jpgI also read A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness and oh my god it is everything I want from a book. The illustrations are amazing and done in gray scale which fit the story perfectly, the story itself is deep and full of meaning, the Monster is part scary part wise old tree that deals in the truth and rights. I’ll have a full gushing review for this one as well because wow I loved it.

and thats it *collective gasps* I know I only read 6 books and they were all pretty small! I told you guys I had a bad reading month. If you’re new around here I usually read 10+ books a month so I’m pretty disappointed in myself.

I did start a lot more books but just put them down and started something else so I have a feeling I was in a little bit of a slump.


One thing I am proud of myself for is my hauling I am reducing the amount of books I buy to try to stop my TBR from coming to life and assassinating me. It’s working…sort of here what I got:

So yes there is 8 books here BUT I only bought two: Valentine and The Sidekicks the rest are Ebook and Physical arcs that I couldn’t resist and I need to read right now. So my TBR is growing more than I’m reading but hopefully I can catch up this month.



As for life stuff January was a great bookish month! I went to The Ya Room’s first picnic and it was so much fun!If any of you guys are ever in Melbourne make sure you hit us up because I dare say we have the best bookish people (okay I may be a little bias) If you can spot me 10 points to you.


I also went to the Penguin Showcase and meet some Authors and learnt what new 2017 releases to be excited about and wow this year is going to be a good year for Oz Ya.


So that was my January, how was your month? Are you rocking your reading goals or lagging behind like me? Let me know if you’ve posted your wrap up so I can check it out.

27 thoughts on “January Wrap Up & Haul

  1. I’ve always wondered whether it would be worth reading the Percy Jackson series, I might have to give them a go at some point. I am doing the same as you, trying to lessen the amount of books I buy at least until I have read some of the books in my TBR pile. I’m behind in my reading at the moment…booooooo!!!!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hopefully we can both catch up on our reading this month! I want to get all my ARC’s finished and then concentrate on my TBR shelf new releases are tempting me but I’m trying to hold off until I make a bigger dint in my current TBR xD

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  2. That YA picnic sounds nice! I doubt there’s such a thing around here. Probably would have to dig really hard. I also hope to go through the Percy Jackson some day. I’m glad to hear that things get more interesting for an older audience from book 3. Hopefully I’m not too old for this! 😀 And I’m so glad to hear you loved A Monster Calls! That book was AMAZING!!! 😀 Tearjerker in every way possible.

    – Lashaan

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    1. So many emotions reading A Monster Calls but it’s so good 😀 I can’t wait to watch the movie and live it all over again! The picnic was so much fun it’s great to catch up with other bloggers and book lovers 😀

      Oh I hope you enjoy Percy Jackson and it’s not to young for you! The next series I’m reading from him is young adult so I’m excited to read about an older character as that’s when I liked the Percy books the most.

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  3. I’ve actually been thinking about the percy jackson series and whether or not I should read them. I read the first book years ago but I never carried on and now I’m not sure if I’d enjoy them. I might have to give them a shot. I’m actually doing well with reading so far, but I’ve not had any slumps yet. When that happens I’m sure I’ll get behind target!

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    1. I was the exact same! Book 1 and 2 were a bit young for me but book three really picked the series up in my eyes, I can’t wait to read his young adult series now as I enjoyed his writing and charcaters a lot + learning all the mythology and how it was incorporated was really fun.

      Hopefully you have no slumps at all this year! I’m working my way out of it now and planning to read some short contemporaries soon so I can get back in routine :).


  4. Now that’s a series I need to read (Percy Jackson!) but don’t worry – I’ve been so focused on working and writing this month I totally neglected both y TBR and my blog… opps! January always seems to be a messy time for us readers but hey – feb will be better 😉 The picnic looked so fun! I live in Sunbury (just a train ride away) and would love to come to the Ya Room’s next picnic If I could. I have been trying to find YA book clubs and groups around to meet more readers. Sadly most of my friends don’t read – they have no idea what the hell the are missing!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. YES COME!! The whole thing is amazing and we’re all part of a book club as well, if you check out The YA Room Sarah and Alex run the meet ups and put together locations and times. A lot of the updates are on twitter as well. Are you on Twitter? I can have you added to a big group chat for Melbourne book bloggers and we arrange meet ups for book events and the picnic etc… I have one friend that reads so meeting heap of other bloggers in real life is awesome even though it feels like a bit of a blind date at first xD

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      1. hahaha I bet it would! Sadly I’m not on twitter 😦 I’m on facebook though if that helps? But I’ll have to check it out! Thanks Cassie XD

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        1. I’ll drop you a comment when they post some more updates, don’t think they have a facebook page but I’ll suggest they make one 🙂 I know I didn’t know about any of these event until I made a Twitter and a lot of people don’t have one

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          1. thanks so much! I actually found the blog and found them on facebook. I saw they have an event at Dymocks Melbourne on the 26 which I hope to make

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  5. You usually average 10 books a month? THAT’S AMAZING! My average is probably… 5? Or 4? So reading 9 in January was amazing for me. I hope you’re out of your mini slump!!! Percy Jackson is amaze.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Percy Jackson was so much fun! I wish I had read it earlier but I’m glad I picked it up 🙂 Yep I usually read a heap but I’m hoping I can get back into it this month! I’ve already finished off one book and hope to have the next done by Saturday, I need to buy books so I must read more xD

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    1. Thanks Ashley! I was scared after the first PJ book that I wasn’t going to love it but I’m glad I kept reading it’s such a fun series 😀 And yes! A Monster Calls is so good, I can’t believe I waited so long to pick it up 🙂

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  6. I really want to pick up the Percy Jackson series at some point too, thinking about maybe trying the audiobooks… I am so happy you read A Monster Calls and loved it! I will be looking forward to your review.

    A YA picnic! How fun! Are you wearing a blue shirt?!

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    1. haha Yes I am wearing the blue! All the points to you XD My review is just going to be all gush! I’ll try and make it semi coherent just for you but no guarantees xD

      The audiobooks would be great I think, I snagged the series on a whim because it was $25 on sale 🙂 i hope you enjoy them when you do pick them up.

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