Childhood Favourites – Because am I even an adult?

If you don’t know I am 22 years of age and turning 23 this month! In celebration of my aging I am doing a throw back and talking about my childhood faves that I may still read because they are so good and full of nostalgia.

This next couple of weeks I’m planning some more posts like this in memory of me getting even older, I hope you enjoy my pain of realising Twilight came out over 10 years ago.

23772.jpgDr. Seuss

Well i’ll start from the beginning, when I was a wee child who just learnt to read and was in speech therapy because I couldn’t pronounce anything properly BUT did that stop me? No sir ree bob. I would sit at my back door and read Dr Seuss books to my dog(I’m guessing because no one else in the fam could be bothered listening to my babel, it’s still a bit like that if I’m being honest). 

I may or may not be able to do this story by heart and annoy friends with it at times…

 Goosebumps by R.L Stine

All Goosebumps are so freaken fun but I do have some faves, I especially loved the pick your own ending, if you’ve never read a book with a pick your own ending/give yourself Goosebumps WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH LIFE sorry was that too intense? TO BAD go pick your own ending in a book! *spoiler* You always end up dying in the next page and have to go back and pick the other choice to continue the story. 

386244Roald Dahl

The next Author I absolutely devoured was Roald Dahl, I still have my original copy fo The Witches and it’s in pretty decent for a book that’s over 30 years old (it was my sister originally) and has been re-read multiple times. Just think about these books makes me want to read them all over again, The Witches and The Twits were my fave in childhood.

239820Thomas Rockwell 

This book represents a lot of books I read at the time which were just silly and fun chapter books from the library it’s just that I only remember this one. I’m extremely grateful to my school library and Mum for picking out these books for me because they’ve cause my love for reading,




233722Ann M. Martin: THE BABYSITTER CLUB

As if you didn’t want to start a babysitting club when you were younger if you read these books! This was a secondhand book from my sister (she isn’t a big reader but her name is Kirsty so I now know why she even had this book) I adored this series, my mum donated my books years and years ago but I was tempted to re buy some of these the last time I was them at the op shop.

5890065Morris Gleitzman

This is a book that I still re-read Once was the first book a teacher read aloud to me that really hooked me and I ended up borrowing it from the library and reading it before she had finished. Once is how I learnt about WWII it was my first experience with the horrors that happened and it sparked my interest in WWII books.

I also just realised this is part of a 5 book series and yes I am planning on reading the rest!

38709.jpgLouis Sachar

Holes is another book that just gripped me and I couldn’t put it down, I still recommend Holes I haven’t re-read it in a few years but it will always be a go to book that I’d recommend it to anyone (child or adult) also people that don’t read the movie is excellent.


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Christopher Paolini

And finally my first step into the fantasy world, I will always remember this book for starting my fantasy journey (as well as Narnia but I’m pretty sure I read Eragon first)

Also I mean Dragons? I knew there was a reason I loved Dragons I miss owning all these books and writing this post has just made me want to re-build my childhood collection.


I read all these books around the ages 5 through to 12, I may do a post with my teenage reads although there all going to be Adult fiction/non fiction and now I’m an adult I read young adult fiction xD

Note: I find it funny how people are say things like there’s no middle grade books for boys because it’s a bit of a falsity (not only because reading isn’t gendered) but because nearly all my favourite from childhood feature a boy protagonist and are by male Authors.

What are your childhood faves? Are any of yours on here? Do you still own them or did you get rid of them once you grew out of them.


I am happy my Mum donated my books to the local library as I borrowed a lot of books from them and other kids deserve to read these as much as I did. I just wish she had kept my entire original Goosebumps editions I only have 2 and the covers are amazing I’m hoping to find them in op shops but they’re incredibly hard to come by.


33 thoughts on “Childhood Favourites – Because am I even an adult?

  1. Yes to Morris Gleitzman… the one that I remember most was about a cane toad, Toad Rage?? Possibly. But I devoured the little sister babysitter books then when I outgrew those I devoured the babysitters club. When I moved out my mum gave them to our neighbours daughter. I was pissed! my brother loved the goosebumps books but I only really liked the choose your own adventure ones.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The choose your own adventure ones were my fave as well I loved seeing all the diff endings 🙂
      My Mum gave my books away really quickly when she realised I had grown out of them but I wish I still had them now 😦 I may collect them again, one day XD

      All these authors especially Morris Gleitzman and Roald dahl are just so amazing I can’t believe I haven’t thought of them in so long. I can’t remeber reading little sister baby sitter club but I may have 0.0 my mind is a blank on it, babysitters club was so much fun though.


  2. Aww I love this post! I’ve always been a big reader and I love to reminisce about childhood favorites. I was a big fan of Goodebumps too. ☺️Luckily, everyone in my family is a bit of a book hoarder, so I still have nearly all of my childhood books somewhere!

    Also, happy early birthday!! I’m actually turning 23 this month (on the 29th!), too, and I still can’t believe I’m supposed to be an adult. Haha 😂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Birthday twins nearly! I’m on the 26th (I forget if I mentioned that in the post xD) I’m jealous my mums a hoarder of books that she or I will re-read so she didn’t expect me to want children books in my 20’s (the nerve xD) I’ll collect them all again one day hopefully!

      A lot of these Authors I had completely forgot about and as I started writing the post so many old faves popped into my head it was really cool to be able to remember how much I loved these books even though I read them so young.

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      1. So close!! My brother in law’s birthday is actually on the 26th too (but he’s turning 27)! Haha how dare your mom lol.
        Your post reminded me of a lot of books and authors I forgot about too. I may actually write a post similar to this in honor of my birthday too, if that’s ok!

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  3. I love going back and bingeing the books that made up my childhood sometimes. The nostalgia is amazing.

    The only book I’ve read here is Once! I loved it, and Then RUINED ME. I haven’t read any of the other sequels yet.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I didn’t even realise there were sequels I always thought it was a standalone! Planning on reading Then after my next re-read of Once although I think I may be distraught just the synopsis looks like it’s going to break me.


  4. GOOSEBUMPS WERE EVERYTHING! I had SOOO many of those Choose Your Own Adventure ones. Every time I saw some I would force my parents or grandparents to buy me some 😂 I looooved The Baby Sitter Club books too!!! And ahahah I think Dr. Seus were some of the first books I ever read on my own.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The choose your own adventures were the best I can’t believe there aren’t more books that do this it’s such a cool concept 😊 dr Seuss was my first books as well they’re so cute and easy to learn with plus they actually have really awesome messages 😁


    1. WHY DO I NOT LIVE WHERE YOU LIVE? R.L. Stine is going to be at a book festival? That is amazing I would love to listen to him speak on how he comes up with such creative writing ideas and his process.

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  5. I am just a bit older than you so my childhood faves were a bit different, but I did read my sister’s Babysitters Club books. I bought the first one when Aldi had them in last year, but my eldest wasn’t interested.

    Trixie Belden, Nancy Drew, CYOA and Anne of Green Gables were my main reads in primary school.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think I may have read 1 Nancy drew book but I don’t remember it at all so it may just be my imaginations 0.0 The babysitter club books were so fun to read I think I stole most of them from my older sister because she’s not really a reader and mum got them for her.


    1. Hahaha they definitely defined my love for horror and I loved the netflix TV series that was released a little while ago it made me want to re-read the books even though I’m a bit old for them now XD

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  6. Great post! I loved the Goosebumps series so, so much, I actually wish I could all re-read them but I don’t own a single one (they were all from the library) ahah. These books were just so much fun to read, and I remember being completely hooked by the mystery…Well, now I don’t know how I’d feel about them, reading them like, 10 years later ahah 🙂

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  7. I am with you about Goosebumps! I read a ton of them as a kid, which is hilarious because I grew up strongly disliking horror and the paranormal. Weird. I love that the first book a teacher notably read aloud to you is here. In my case, that would be Charlotte’s Web. The same teacher also “read” to us The Indian in the Cupboard. I saw “read” because she played a chapter of the audiobook each day after recess. I realized the magic of audiobooks in that moment and I never turned back.

    I love this post. Happy early birthday!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I don’t think any of my teachers played an audio book to us! I feel cheated hahaha I had to discover the beauty of audio all alone XD Goosebumps really made me love horror, I cant do horror movies because I hate jump cuts but horror books are some of my faves although I probably only read a handful a year. I can’t believe I forgot about Charlotte’s Web i loved that story. Thank you I’m hoping to do a few more pre birthday posts but just trying to think of some ideas XD


  8. Haha yeah… Most of these I’ve never read. My mum thought Dr Seuss was stupid (sorry, “silly”) so I only ever sneaked in an couple of those, Holes I read for school in year 8 and it was meh, the only Roald Dahl book I’ve ever read was Matilda and that was only in the last six months or so, and Once was okay but I think I was too old to read them when I did because the naivety of Felix irritated the heck out of me (That said, I’ve met Morris Gleitzman three times and he’s very nice)

    As for my childhood books, Rainbow Magic and Fairy Realm were read to me (I still love Fairy Realm, planning on a reread soon), and Deltora Quest was the first book my teacher read to us that I really liked, it’s actually what got me into reading (grace four). Past that, I can’t really remember.

    Great post 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I don’t even know any of the books you mentioned 0.0 I think Holes and Once def have a huge nostalgia for me otherwise the narration would probs annoy me to 🙂
      Dr Suess was such a fave for me I just love how simple and catchy they are, there pretty silly but fun imo I bought my niece the whole set and can’t wait to try and make her into a reader 😀

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