May Wrap up and Haul

First of all let me start with I HAVE BEEN SO ABSENT I AM ALL THE APOLOGIES, secondly you probably didn’t even notice I had been that absent but I did. Life’s been kicking my ass lately and I haven’t had the metal brain power to write a post, even now I’m feeling a bit off but I’m determined to write myself out of this blogging slump.

I managed to dig myself into a huge reviewing hole and have 9 books I want to review but think I might save myself the stress and do a string of mini reviews.

Now to the books I read in May:

29570559Draekora by Lynette Noni

#loveozya fantasy series anyone? Also if you can’t see from the cover it has DRAGONS! Draekons to be exact, sassy teenage draekons. This book is the third in the Medora Chronicles and I was lucky enough to meet Lynette at Supanova this year, I can safely say yes she awesome and I loved her panel and this book.

5/5 stars


A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J Maas (re-read)

I am a huge fangirl for the inner circle and loved reading this again in prep for A Court Of Wings and Ruin. The inner circles are my favourite group of friends I’ve read, I can’t get enough of the banter and family relationship + Rhys is a darling.

5/5 stars

31938963A Court of Wings and Ruin by Sarah J Maas

A FINALLY FROM MAAS AT LAST! I was equal parts excited and crapping myself about how this book was going to turn out. I was surprised by my feelings, I didn’t love this as much as ACOMAF but I liked the Inner Circle even more in this. THE BANTER YOU GUYS ITS SO GOOD.

Overall I enjoyed it but I had hyped it too much and it lacked in a lot of areas for me. I am super excited to get more of the inner circles stories, Azriel is a sweet child I wanna hug.

4/5 stars28458598

When Dimple Met Rishi by Sandhya Menon

My first read for #AsianlitBingo and I loved it so much! SMART GIRLS DOING COMPUTER THINGS GIMME MORE. Rishi is an adorable little idiot and Dimple is a smart, strong, opinionated character, also there’s dancing and cuteness everywhere.

5/5 stars


Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone by JK Rowling  (re-read/audio)

Of course I loved it! I loved it that little bit more because I’ve convinced my partner to listen to it with me, he’s not a reader but loves Harry Potter and now he knows who Peeves is! #PROUD

We’ve already started and finished The Chamber of Secrets XD

5/5 Stars


Everything I Never Told You by Celeste Ng 

This book, thank you asain lit bingo for motivating my to pick this up! I bought this over a year and a half ago and it was just sitting on my shelf for all that time. This story is amazing, the writing feels heavy with emotion.

If you’re looking for an #ownvoice story about loss and family I couldn’t recommend this more.

4/5 stars



Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by JK Rowling (re-read/audio)

Do I really need to write anything about this book? It’s Harry bloody Potter.

Listening to the story I realise how much I’ve forgotten and how much better the books are.

Onwards to Prisoner of Azkaban!

5/5 stars



PS I Still Love you (re-read) and Always and Forever Lara Jean by Jenny Han

My 3&4th read for #asianlitbingo

I love Lara Jean and her family, PS I Still Love you was just as cute as I remembered and THE COOKIES how did I forget how hungry this book makes me.

I was so pumped for more Lara Jean I again hyped myself to much for Always and Forever. This third book is good I liked it but it didn’t hold the same magic as the first two.

3/5 stars



Egghead by Bo Burnham (audio book)

This popped up on my audio suggest list and I was hooked from the sample. Bo is one of my favourite comedians, crass, clever, and outragious mixed with all the snark on society.

A collection of poems read by him had my in tears – also it’s super short I think maybe 3hr or less audio?

5/5 stars



Books that I started and didn’t finish in May include Begin End Begin (I’m 5 stories in and reading the shorts between over books) Assassins Apprentice my current read: Man high fantasy is good but I read it so slowly! To be honest I wouldn’t have it any other way the world building and character set up is amazing, and last but not least my current Audio is Leviathan Wakes, a Sci Fi I was recommended and I am loving! I’m only 4 chapters in and I just love the characters.

In case you mist it: Mays posts:


E galleys, Audios, and Arcs!



I bought 4 more books this month, bring my TOTAL book purchases to 13 and my project 5 to 13 books behind as I’ve read 52 books so far!

I’m not even going to try to do a full life update so many things have happened this month I am a stressed one and can’t be bothered re hashing. I did go on a weekend trip, went to the Begin end Begin book launch and saw some bookish friends, I’m sure I did more but my brain isn’t working properly at the moment.

So that was my May. How was your month? Did you join in the AsianLitBingo? What was your fave read this month? 


Lets talk about all the things in the comments! Also if anyone has advice on juggling life/work/blogging or finding the motivation to write reviews when you’re in a slump give me it, I need all the help I can get.


19 thoughts on “May Wrap up and Haul

  1. Your wrap ups are awesome, you always read so much, AH!!! ❤ You've got this life thing, you can do it, I believe in you.
    I also participated (very briefly, although I expected not to touch that TBR at all) in #AsianLitBingo and I read one comic, Monstress! It was actually super great and gorgeous and I can't wait for volume 2 to come out!
    I hope you enjoy The Diabolic as much as I did! 😀

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Gah my wrap ups are everywhere XD I just wanna read all the books of ever everymonth! Gotta get that TBR pile tamed somehow (also audiobooks are a lifesaver). That comic looked beautiful, glad you loved it 😀
      I was wary of the Diabolic because it seems like it could easily be tropey but your review made me want it! Bring on robots with feelings.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It could’ve been tropey but… it stood out for some reason? It didn’t tightly adhere to tropes (in my opinion) which is why I enjoyed it. 😀

        Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s so cute 😀 It has all the things normal contemporaries have but it’s just more (I can’t explain it properly but I loved it).
      Things are hectic but like they’re good things hectic, I just have to many things to do and organise and want to go crawl into bed and sleep all my responsibilities away.


  2. I’m so glad you liked when dimple met rishi! I gave it 5 stars as well, it was incredible 😍 ! I really want to read everything I never told you as well, it’s been on my TBR for so long and I keep hearing incredible things about it! Great wrap up ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s sucha cute book! Dimple is an amazing character and I just want to hug Rishi and throw things at him all at once XD
      I hope you love Everything I Never Told You I put it off for so long and regret it, such an amazing story.
      Thank you ❤ ❤


  3. You read sooo many books, awesomeness!!! I feel you with the whole blogging/working/life etc. I have been feeling a bit unmotivated lately and don’t know what to blog about. My blog posts end up being quite random lol. Your book haul is freakin awesome, Goosebumps really brings back those memories!! I was the same as you with ACOWAR, maybe it was just a bit too overhyped and I ended up being a teeny tiny bit disappointed – more with the writing than anything. I hope you have a super awesome June!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey atleast your writing Random posts! I really need to get into the habit of scheduling and pre-writing posts again, I think I’m on top of life things now atlast! So i can catch up on blog hoping and review writing XD Goosebumps is so good, my faves were the choose your own ending even though I always died on the next page and had to go back and choose the other option XD
      Hope you have an awesome June to! God this years moving way to fast DX

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I need to do some blog hopping too hey, but when life is busy it’s hard to dedicate the time and energy. I’m glad you are getting on top of things now 🙂 Hahahaha yeah I used to die all the freakin time in those choose your own ending books!!


  4. Looks like you had a pretty solid reading month! I can relate on the blogging front, I’ve been lacking motivation to write posts myself the past few weeks. Slumps are never fun and I wish I had advice but mostly I tend to take breaks during slumps and not force it. Forcing it always makes it worse for me. I hope life calms down for you soon and that June is a great month!! 😊💕

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Slumps are the worst! I took a mini break and my life is semi in order now so I’m hoping my slump is over for now, Hope you have an amazing June too, mines already started off pretty awesome I just hope I don’t end up burning myself out (trying to be organised to help myself manage better) ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Glad to hear your return! Hope you’re kicking life arse in return now! 😉 You’ve read some wonderful books and even got your hands on some amazing ones (not sure if you have that exact edition, but Joe Hill’s Horns cover is beautiful!). Also love the nostalgia factor that kicked in upon seeing that Goosebumps collection. Hope you have a wonderful month of June! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I AM BETTER(ish) bahaha I’m semi on top of life now it’s time to catch up on my online life reviews, blog hopping, posting writing man hobbies are hard but it’s all worth it XD
      I do have that cover! How pretty is it, I’m 100 pages in and really liking it, I love horror but hardly pick it up, I just want to binge read so many Authors.
      My Junes already started off pretty awesome hope yours has too ❤

      Liked by 1 person

    1. How great was my reading month! I was actually surprised at how many awesome books I picked up (being sequels and some of my fave authors I wasn’t suprised xD ) Hopefully you have your dream reading Month this month ❤


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