Totally Should’ve Book Tag

Thank you Joey @ anotherafterthought for tagging me to do this tag!


Totally Should’ve Gotten A Sequel


The Host! So apparently this IS getting a sequel but the lovey Stephanie Meyer has been saying this for 7 years and we have nothing yet so yeah I’m not getting my hopes up *sobs*.


Totally Should’ve Had A Spin-Off Series:


I’m going to go with To ll the boys I’ve loved before, I’d love to have a spin off series with Kitty (lara Jeans ) little sister and seen her fall in love, I loved her personality and would like to see what she’s like in high school and of course some cameos featuring LJ and how here love life’s going 🙂



Totally Should’ve Ended DifferentlyAllegiant_DemiJacket_WetProofTest.indd


You know why and if you don’t and haven’t been spoiled by now I have four words: Do you even internet? *eye roll*





Totally Should’ve Had A Film Franchise


Lola and the French kiss. This would be a fun and awesome movie and they could do the spin offs with Lola and the boy next door and Isla and the happily ever after, but then again they may just ruin it like they do with every other adaptation out there.




Totally Should’ve Had A T.V. Show

Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo- 22294935.jpg

Can you guys imagine how much we’ll be able to dive into the Grisha world and all the characters lives if this was a series! It would be amazing and we could even have a spin off series with the Grisha trilogy! I pre-fer TV shows of book rather then movies even if there are a lot more changes plot wise I feel they stay true to the Characters a bit more.




Totally Should’ve Had One Point of View

This is a hard one as I like multiple POV’s I can’t even think of something that should of only had one….

Totally Should’ve Had A Cover Change

This DID have a cover change and it’s still not great, I mean nothing really screams hot Aliens and awesome action scenes? No I would of never of picked these up in a bookstore without reading multiple review before hand and even then I went and bought them on my e reader as I didn’t really like the covers. I mean what is that line “they’re not like us” on the cover?! of course there not like us they are ALIENS!

Totally Should’ve Stopped Reading

13262783.jpgI read it, I didn’t hate it but I definitely didn’t like it and I won’t be reading this again. To much internal dialog that is supposed to make you think about life and some major themes but all you actually think about is the author telling you what to think. This doesn’t leave to much room to form your own opinions and thoughts on the subject matter. The plot was beyond boring and could of been so much better but it choose to focus solely on the characters and I didn’t like any of them so it was a big ol’ 1 star from me.

Totally Should’ve Kept The Covers

I own the first one and it is so pretty! the second just looks kind of cheesy if you ask me.

Totally Shouldn’t Have Pre-Judged

The Selection series by Kiera Cass

This series is FANTASTIC and I pre-judged the heck out of it due to ball gowns and a competition to get married being the general idea but hey it was awesome and so much more the I originally thought it was going to be! I also put off Cinder by Marrissa Meyer for way to long because I thought the idea of a Cyborg princess wasn’t for me as I had just finished reading Reboot by Amy Tintera and I know its not Cyborg but it put me off anything in the same-ish genre.


This was a fun tag but also quite hard! I love a lot of books just the way they are so it was weird to try to think of books that I should’ve stopped reading and what not.

I tag these peeps:

Go check out there blogs as they are book lovers and we all know that us book lovers need to unite and strive for world domination together muhaha… oh, what? wait, that’s not the point of connecting with other bloggers? *oops*


ALSO I hope everyone has an eggs-cellent weekend and gets lots of chocolate! I will be going on a road trip to Mount Gambier! That’s about about 6-7 hours away from me. It is also My Birthday on Saturday so this weekend will be awesome sauce! Untitled.png

I expect my Easter to look a little like this:




13 thoughts on “Totally Should’ve Book Tag

  1. Advanced Haaappy Birthday! ❤
    I totally agree with your opinion about The Host, the book was soooo good, I would have loved to see what happened next. And yeah… I am never going to read the Divergent series because that ending got spoiled for me and if a series has that kind of ending, then's definitely not for me.

    Liked by 2 people

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