November Wrap Up and Haul

November was fun and fast and so many things happened that I don’t know how I’m even still standing and not collapsed in a puddle on the floor, face down, with my TBR stacked upon me.

The end of the year has just snuck up on me and things are crazy, working, trying to read, trying to blog, trying to renovate my house, trying to get my home office set up, trying to see all my friends and family GAH I just need a pause button so I can finish everything I wanted for the year in time!

Okay so enough of my stresses here are the books I read in November:


30240773Three Dark Crowns by Kendare Blake

This book is all types of strange and I don’t mean the story I mean that is a new good type of strange but the writing and how I felt reading this book was just strange.

There is a balance between too much information in a fantasy book and none at all and when you er towards the none at all side you get barely their world building and no idea who anyone is 50% into the book because there are to many characters and I don’t even know where they are let alone who they are. This book was confusing and a little boring for a fantasy right up until the last few chapters and then BAM I now need the last book ASAP. I feel like the first half of the book could have been shortened and we could have experienced more of the ending. I have faith the next book is going to be fantastic *fingers crossed*29955414

Small Great Things by Jodi Picoult

Squeeeeeee I was so happy to read this! Jodi is one of my fave Authors and I went out to get this as soon as I could. This story is important. Jodi talks about white privilege plainly and honestly as much as we’d like to believe that our world and government are fair we all know that’s not true but with more people speaking out hopefully one day it could be.




The Paradox series! You know what I love guys? POWERED ARMOR if anyone has a recommendation of a series that has powered armor let me know because I am obsessed with it. This series is so kick ass Devi our MC is a career woman, she takes no shit, stick up for her friends, willing to get her hands dirty, and loves her powered armor more than a little. If you’re looking for a fantastic sci-fi I highly recommend this one!  29772074

Collide by Aimee Jessica Russ

Me and Collide had a strange relationship on one hand I was annoyed at the world and I wasn’t sure if I liked the characters and on the other had I read this in a day and couldn’t put it down for the life of me.

I just, I don’t know okay? It was weird but fun? Collide was our monthly Dragon Hoards read a long book and I will be reading the next book in the series because I just need to. I can’t explain how I feel about this book properly… I will be posting a full review soon, be prepared for lots of some babble.

10434679Words in Deep Blue by Cath Crowley

I la la looooved this book so much, I have a full fangirl review if you’d like to check it out (click on the photo>)

I gave this book all the stars, the writing instantly transported me into the world of second-hand bookstores and beaches, the atmosphere of the town and the heavy feeling of loss and love. This book is amazing and if you love contemporary you will love this story.

30323804.jpgFly on the Wall by E. Lockhart

This little crazy book is something I was not expecting. This story is super short I read it in an hour and with short stories it’s hard t warm up to the world and characters (at least for me it is) but I really enjoyed this.

This book is aimed at younger readers and it does read that way but Gretchen is just such a teenager it’s hard not to like her and remember what you were like at 15.


The Rest of us Just Live Here by Patrick Ness

This book was all types of awesome, my first Patrick Ness read and I couldn’t have loved it more. It was a mix of contemporary teenagers graduating, and fantasy hero teenagers saving the town from evil beings. It’s about the “normal” kids who stay out of the whole chosen one gig. It’s about finding your friends and yourself. It’s just got so much in it and I loved all of the characters. I can’t wait to read some more Patrick Ness.



Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by JK Rowling

Of course I loved this screen play, I went out and bought it right after seeing the movie because I just wanted to experiences it all over again. I needed to read all the little things I missed in the movie and learn all the creatures names 🙂

I loved all the chapter drawings on the creatures and the stage directions. Especial “Newt does mating dance” Bahahahha!


18158411.jpgMore Than This by Patrick Ness

Going into this I was really excited but I just didn’t enjoy it as much as I did The Rest of Us Just Live Here. More Than This is a story that really makes you think, it doesn’t really have a specific genre, it’s a mix if science fiction, contemporary, serious issues such as abuse, suicide, and depression. It’s strange and different but the plot didn’t more fast enough for me. I’m a curious person and with science fiction books that have some really wacky worlds going on I just want all the answers and this just didn’t give that to me.

I did enjoy the exploration into important topics but it wasn’t my fave storywise.



The Diverse Books Tag

Celebrating The Little Things Tag

Insta love and why I love it



So that was my month! I read a total of 12 books I have 3 on the go right now and I am super busy with real life things.

I start working from home this Friday which is all types of awesome but also a little stressful with the building of the home office and moving all my things. But yay for new adventures and being able to access my fridge and turn my music up as loud as I like.

Every Christmas we go camping for around 2 weeks and I can not wait to be out in the bush with nothing but my books, dogs, and a camp fire. I plan on taking a big chunk of my TBR with me and hopefully reading them all 0.0

Anyone else going on holiday? Any tips for managing blog posts when I’m away? I may take a hiatus or just schedule some posts and then reply to everyone when I go to town and get some receptions.

18 thoughts on “November Wrap Up and Haul

  1. I’m going up to the beach for New Years and just after Christmas, which’ll be exciting! Likewise, I’m bringing books with me. Can’t wait! 😀 And you hauled the PJO boxed set?! AH, READ IT NOW!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It was only $25 in big w! I’ve read the first one a while ago but can’t remember to much of it so I’m excited to start it 🙂 I’m planning on taking it camping 😀 The beach will be super fun! We go to the Murry so it’s kinda a beach but with a river instead.. still there’s sand XD


  2. You had a very productive month!! That will be awesome bringing your TBR’s with you while camping, hopefully you get to do a bit of reading 🙂 I am going away for a month and I have no idea what to do with my blog while I’m gone! I will probably just do a final post for the year next week, then start up again when I am back in January. I hope you have fun camping (and hopefully not too ridiculously hot!!) 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ah I hope it’s not too hot! We have a river so we can cool down but I get so sunburnt I’ll be covered in sunscreen and reading most of the time 😀 I think most people we being do that as well, just breaking over christmas and starting in Jan

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      1. Being near the river will be so nice. You’ll have an awesome time, camping is so much fun! I am going to America for xmas…so it’s going to be very different to the usual hot aussie xmas…

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        1. How exciting! I’ve never been overseas but that sounds awesome I mean you’ll have snow and all the christmas winter feels 😀 (the christmas songs will make sense XD) Your holiday sounds like it’s going to be amazing, I hope you have the best time!

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Exactly! For once, singing songs about white Christmas will not feel so fake haha. Thanks lovely, I’m pretty excited!!


  3. You had a busy November but seems like your reading went well. I can’t wait to read Jodi’s new book. I bought it recently so I hope to get a chance to read it around January. It does sound like a great book. Happy camping and reading. Have a wonderful December.


  4. That’s so nice that you go camping over Christmas! I loooove camping but my family does not, haha – so I haven’t been for ages!! An impressive reading month too. I’m just sitting over here twitching at the mention of Collide and still unsure as to what I’m feeling about it. Damn I can’t wait for book two – we can demolish it together!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Camping definitely isn’t for everyone! bahaha we’ve been every year for the last 5 years and love it 😀 haha I’ll Twitch with you over Collide don’t worry I really want the next book so we can see what actually happened to K! Def be reading it together so we can freack out over the things that will happen together XD

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    1. I was lucky and a friend lent me the first one and I bought the last two on ebook because yep they are pretty pricey 😦 Maybe your library has a copy? I really enjoyed the series and loved the main character, can’t wait to read some more of Rachel’s work 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Yay for a fantastic November! Your haul is lovely too. Have you read All the Light We Cannot See yet? It is on my TBR and I am curious about it.

    “Every Christmas we go camping for around 2 weeks and I can not wait to be out in the bush with nothing but my books, dogs, and a camp fire. I plan on taking a big chunk of my TBR with me and hopefully reading them all”

    Ahhhh this sounds like perfection!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Amazing reading month and haul, Casey 😍 I totally felt the same way about Three Dark Crowns. There were some great elements and the ending has me excited for the next book, but overall it just didn’t deliver and there were way too many characters. I really gotta read some more Patrick Ness because I loved A Monster Calls even though it broke my heart.

    PERCY JACKSON! YESSSS. I can’t wait for you to read it and I hope you love it!!!!

    Also I hope things start calming down a little for you and that you have a wonderful holiday ♥ I would maybe just take a mini kinda of hiatus? Maybe schedule a few posts so that way your blog’s not completely inactive, but you won’t be inundated with comments that you need to reply to haha.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. My copy of A Monster Calls came yesterday and I can not wait to start it, I flipped through it quickly and the illustrations are beautiful 🙂

      I’ve read the first Percy book a while ago but can’t remember it that well I really want to read the series and see how it progresses and then read Ricks new series why must he have so many books to get through XD

      Thank you! And Yep I’ve decided to just schedule a few posts and take a mini break so I may not be able to reply to comments right away but I will eventually, I’ll probably be on insta and twitter still if there’s reception at the camp site XD


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