March Wrap up & Birthday Haul

*Dances* March is over way to quickly as the cliché goes and I am happy its autumn because woolen sweaters and cardigans but also sad because I don’t do well in the cold!

March was a really good month for me, it was my Birthday and that’s always fun and I read some books that had been on my TBR for a while thanks for participating in the All The Small Ones Readathon. Now onto what I read this month.

Let’s start with my reads for the ATSOreadathon I didn’t read as many as I planned because I was swept away by new releases but I was happy with the few I did read.

5168689 Anything But Typical by Nora Raleigh Baskin

This is a great children’s/middle grade book and I’d def recommend it to young readers.

Anything but Typical is narrated by Jason who was diagnosed with ASD but goes to a mainstream school, we here about his school life, difficulty with teachers and peers, as well as what’s going through his mind in a multitude of different situations.

  • Autism Rep
  • Neurodiverse


25574212The Sidekicks by Will Kostakis 

This book is so Australian, so full of feelings, so full of family and friendships, it’s messy and fun, it’s sad and hopeful. I absolutely loved every point of view, everyone in the story minor characters included and how the plot flowed.

  • LGBTQA+ rep
  • Own Voices
  • Loveozya


20493695If I Stay by Gayle Forman 

I picked this up purely because it was short and I’d heard a lot about it, unfortunately I didn’t like it. Some parts of the story I did like, the parents and the boyfriend but the main character and her best friend irked me from the start. Also there is SO MUCH cringe, don’t get me wrong I’m all here for sex scenes but well written ones please, I never want the image of someone straddling another like a guitar while plucking at them ahmagod no thank you.


32613366The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas 

This book is emotional, important and so god damn good. Seriously Starr is my favourite female kickass character right now.

If this isn’t already on your tbr it needs to be, I mean it’s on its 3rd week as NYT best seller and I hope it continues to stay number #1

  • Ownvoices
  • Inspired Black lives matter movement
  • Diverse African-American MC and family




We Were Liars by E. Lockhart

I was expecting more from this book, I had a lot of people tell me I’d either love it or hate it but I just kinda fell into the middle and the meh category.

It’s so mysterious and I liked that but because of how at arm’s length we are from the characters I couldn’t connect or like any of them enough to care about the big reveal.

It’s been 20 days and I’ve already forgotten the main characters name that’s how memorable she was to me. I can definitely see how people could love this, as well as all the people who hated it.



Strange The Dreamer by Laini Taylor

I was lucky enough to be approved for a net galley of this amazing book and I have my hardcover copy on the way (hurry up postie)

This book is so beautiful and fantastical but what I really love about it is Lazlo, he’s such a kind-hearted and friendly main character and he’s a librarian that loves stories, I just love him a lot.

There’s beautiful lucid dreaming, gods, good vs evil, the theme of can one thing be only good or evil. Magic and alchemists, explosions and creations. If you like fantasy I highly recommend this book although it does take a while to get into by the halfway point I was thoroughly in love.

29776980.jpgIn Order To Live by Yeonmi Park

In Order To Live is the true story of Yeonmi Park who escaped from North Korea with her mother.

This book is really emotional and I cried when she was talking about all her emotions about her speech for One Young World Summit having just watched that and seen how emotional and passionate she was.

Yeonmi’s story is truly inspiring and she continues to inspire and work for North Korean rights. I highly recommend reading this young girls truly incredible story and putting your life into perspective. I am so privileged to happen to be born in Australia and so inspired that Yeonmi has been through so much and prevailed not only to find happiness in her own life but to help others who are struggling.

If you don’t normally read non fictions and don’t think you’d pick this up I urge you to youtube Yeonmi’s One Young Nation speech, listen and educate yourself on what is happening right now. This story isn’t 100 years ago Yeonmi is only a year older than I am being born in 1993 and I am truly inspired by her hard work.

I only read 7 books but I’m still incredibly happy with my reads this month


Tags and Discussion Posts:

I am back on track with my discussion/tag posts and so happy for it! Hopefully I can keep it flowing over to next month

In case you missed it: Reviews


E Galleys/ Arcs:

Physical Copies/Birthday Haul


So I am still doing project 5 and I have now only purchased 7 books this whole year (I’m not counting audios or review copies) If I did include the 3 books I bought for my birthday I would be 9 books behind BUT as I’m a cheater I’m not including them WHICH means I am actually only 4 purchases in for THE WHOLE YEAR. I’ve read 26 books so I’m actually up a book, hmmm I wonder what I should buy.


It was my birthday on the 26th and I spent it with friends and going to way too many dinners, I also went to The YA Rooms book club and discussed the book of the Month Thug with them.

SO that was my March, I read 7 books and loved nearly all of them, I started 3 more but they’re still on my current read list hopefully I can finish them asap.

What was the highlight of your month? Fave book you read? Did you do anything particularity bookish? 

23 thoughts on “March Wrap up & Birthday Haul

      1. OMG! That’s amazing?! Yah even though I’m not doing great in my Project 5 goal either I’m spending way less on books. (Probably more on clothes, oh well.) 😛

        Liked by 1 person

  1. I never want the image of someone straddling another like a guitar while plucking at them LMAO OH MY GOD NOW I WANT TO READ THIS BOOK JUST FOR THIS 😂😂😂

    I really need to read The Hate U Give and In Order to Live!! I’ve gotta hurry up and finish Strange the Dreamer too. I’m super glad you enjoyed The Sidekicks 😀 I love Will Kostakis’ writing sooo much.

    Also great haul 😍😍 and The YA Room book club meetings look so fun!! If only I wasn’t on the other side of the country 😩

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Come join the twitter talks they have! It’s nearly as much fun as seeing them in real life XD I usual hate book clubs and never end up reading the book but all the picks have been things that I generally like (Although I wouldn’t have picked up Caraval if it wasnt for them) we’re doing Strange The Dreamer this month 🙂

      I was laughing and wtfing at the guitar sex, seriously it gets worst then what I wrote they also use a bow and rub it against their bodies 0.0 SEND HELP TO THESE POOR TEENS bahahahaha

      I can’t wait to read more Will Kostakis I’m planning on reading The First Third next 🙂


  2. I remember reading If I Stay when it was super popular because of the release of the film, but the one thing I really couldn’t and still can’t handle is the sex scene. At first I didn’t understand it was a sex scene and thought they were just laying together and being ‘cute’ (from what adults think teenagers actually do) *cough* John Green *cough*

    Liked by 1 person

    1. ITS SO FREAKIN CREEPY TO IMAGINE THAT SEX SCENE I was part mortified, part laugh crying at how hilarious it was. It’s just so much cringe, I probably would have enjoyed it as a teen but now.. nope XD


    1. That makes me so happy! Not that you have to wait but that so many people are wanting to read this amazing book, I already have mine ready to lend to a friend xD I hope you love it when you get your hands on it, I read it in a day I just couldn’t put it down.


    1. I’ve had so many people rec it to me I couldn’t go past it this time, I’m hoping to read it soon but probably not this month xD I think I’m really going to like it though the synopsis sounds really good 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Amber! I adore the hardcover of Thug I want it as well but I really like the way the pink and black look together on the paperback 🙂
      I haven’t watched the movie yet but I might even though I didn’t love the book, I’ve heard a lot of people enjoyed the movie 🙂


  3. Happy belated birthday! I totally don’t count birthday book hauls as part of my book count either. Wonderful job on your 5 to 1 challenge! I admire your self control. I am about to attend TWO book festivals this month, so my “book buying ban” is going out the window #NoShame.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! It’s so good to watch my tbr shelf get read I’m super motivated to stick to project 5 + I’m not counts net galleys or arcs so I am still hauling some books just not purchasing as many XD

      Two book festivals sound like heaven but also ouch on your tbr pile! I have a few Launches happening soon as well as supernova (which is like aus version of comic con) so I predict there will be a few purchases made from the Author stalls there XD

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Ooooo Supernova sounds like a ton of fun! When does that take place? I hope you’ll put a post up all about it! I attended one of the festivals today and controlled myself! Only 6 books!!! AND I’ve actually read 3 of them so only 3 onto the TBR lol

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Its the last week of April so not long now! Eeee I can’t wait to go and see all the merch and fellow nerds xD I’m planning on taking my camera so I’ll either include it in my wrap up or write a full post depending on how much I have to talk about 😀
          Buying books you’ve already read is such a good feeling XD I hope you had heaps of fun at today’s festival I can’t wait to see your post on it if you are posting one!

          Liked by 1 person

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